Tuesday, 24 March 2009

*That* conversation

We've been having a lot of discussion about sex in our household recently - usually in the bath or on the train (I'm sure we've amused many a fellow train passenger!) and I have to share Where Willy Went with you all as it is hilarious and also gets the information across. It's all about the 300 million sperm who live in Mr Browne preparing for the Great Egg Race, and the hero Willy, a sperm who isn't very good at sums but is very good at swimming. This book is regularly requested at bed-time and sometimes provokes questions and at other times just enjoyment of the story and characters. But either way, it's been a very good book to have around.


arwen_tiw said...

LOL we also always seem to have *that* conversation on public transport...

Liz said...

Or in swimming pool changing rooms! Or supermarket check-outs. Anywhere where loads of people can hear you...

dottyspots said...

I've got a bit of an embarrassing story about *those* sorts of discussions on the bus *sigh*

(And I'm not easily embarassed)

Liz said...

Tell us!!

arwen_tiw said...

Yes do share lol!

Morgan pulled her top up in public this afternoon, announced to the world "BWESTS!" and then headed purposefully to pull MY t-shirt up... What, *already* with the embarrasment?

Anonymous said...

Does the story beat the 'MY MUMMY HAS A WILLY' comment that my DS yelled out in the womens public toilets?